The new operating system for the world's commercial real estate assets

We bring unrivalled trust, transparency, and tradability to commercial real estate assets.

Sucuro gives asset managers a new way to add value to their commercial real estate assets.

Bank transfers, accounts clerks and spreadsheets are the bedrock of siloed old industry systems. They present a huge risk for human error, fraud, and data corruption while inefficient fee-hungry middlemen reduce investor returns.

By using blockchain technology based on cryptography, decentralisation and consensus, Sucuro brings trust, efficiency and security to commercial real estate transactions that is unmatched by any other technology or process.
Immutable transaction provenance
With Sucuro every income and expense transaction for each asset is validated by billions of dollars of at-risk capital and published on a public ledger in real time. This immutable transaction provenance future-proofs assets for the tokenization generation.
Reduced management risk
Sucuro reduces management risk with validated counterparty transfers and automated transparency. This means no more spreadsheets subject to human error, fraud and data corruption; and no risk of invoice fraud or corporate phishing attacks.
New efficiencies in asset management
Sucuro offers savings in administration, operations and distribution thanks to inefficient back office functions and fee hungry middlemen being replaced by blockchain-based smart contracts; and the option of tokenized assets, atomic settlement and borderless movability.

“The biggest disruption ever to the businesses that manage the $127 trillion of assets under management globally.”

Harvard Business Review
Vanguards of 2022
October 2022

Sucuro is an entire rebuild of the plumbing that connects investors to income-producing real estate assets.


Immutable transactions validated by billions of dollars of at-risk capital published immediately on a public ledger.

Sucuro uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized, tamper-proof system to execute and record transactions. Our blockchain-native technology brings the movement of money, and the reporting of it, into a single transaction on a public ledger meaning asset managers can no longer manipulate financial results or hide underperforming assets.

If your asset manager isn't using Sucuro, what are they hiding?

Learn More
The Sucuro Business Token is deployed on the Polygon Network. Sucuro is a technology services provider. Before using Sucuro, you should review our documentation to ensure you understand how our smart contracts work. Sucuro is a registered trademark of Sucuro (Venture) Pty Ltd. Copyright © 2024